Lesson 14 ADXL345


In this lesson, we will learn how to use the acceleration sensor ADXL345.


- 1 * Raspberry Pi

- 1 * Breadboard

- 1 * ADXL345 module

- Jumper wires



The ADXL345 is a small, thin, low power, 3-axis accelerometer with high resolution (13-bit) measurement at up to ±16 g. Digital output data is formatted as 16-bit two’s complement and is accessible through either an SPI (3- or 4-wire) or I2C digital interface.

The ADXL345 is well suited to measure the static acceleration of gravity in tilt-sensing applications, as well as dynamic acceleration resulting from motion or shock. Its high resolution (4 mg/LSB) enables the inclination change measurement by less than 1.0°. And the excellent sensitivity (3.9mg/LSB @2g) provides a high-precision output of up to ±16g. In this experiment, I2C digital interface is used.

Experimental Procedures

Step 1: Build the circuit.

_images/image0.png _images/image152.png

The I2C interface is used in the following program. Before running the program, please make sure the I2C driver module of Raspberry Pi has loaded normally(Refer to Appendix).

For C Language Users:

Step 2: Change directory.

cd /home/pi/Sunfounder_SuperKit_C_code_for_RaspberryPi/14_ADXL345/

Step 3: Compile.

gcc adxl345.c -o adxl345 -lwiringPi

Step 4: Run.

sudo ./adxl345


If it does not work after running, or there is an error prompt: “wiringPi.h: No such file or directory”, please refer to C code is not working?.


#include <wiringPiI2C.h>
#include <wiringPi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>

#define  DevAddr  0x53  //device address

struct acc_dat{
    int x;
    int y;
    int z;

void adxl345_init(int fd)
    wiringPiI2CWriteReg8(fd, 0x31, 0x0b);
    wiringPiI2CWriteReg8(fd, 0x2d, 0x08);
//  wiringPiI2CWriteReg8(fd, 0x2e, 0x00);
    wiringPiI2CWriteReg8(fd, 0x1e, 0x00);
    wiringPiI2CWriteReg8(fd, 0x1f, 0x00);
    wiringPiI2CWriteReg8(fd, 0x20, 0x00);

    wiringPiI2CWriteReg8(fd, 0x21, 0x00);
    wiringPiI2CWriteReg8(fd, 0x22, 0x00);
    wiringPiI2CWriteReg8(fd, 0x23, 0x00);

    wiringPiI2CWriteReg8(fd, 0x24, 0x01);
    wiringPiI2CWriteReg8(fd, 0x25, 0x0f);
    wiringPiI2CWriteReg8(fd, 0x26, 0x2b);
    wiringPiI2CWriteReg8(fd, 0x27, 0x00);

    wiringPiI2CWriteReg8(fd, 0x28, 0x09);
    wiringPiI2CWriteReg8(fd, 0x29, 0xff);
    wiringPiI2CWriteReg8(fd, 0x2a, 0x80);
    wiringPiI2CWriteReg8(fd, 0x2c, 0x0a);
    wiringPiI2CWriteReg8(fd, 0x2f, 0x00);
    wiringPiI2CWriteReg8(fd, 0x38, 0x9f);

struct acc_dat adxl345_read_xyz(int fd)
    char x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1;
    struct acc_dat acc_xyz;

    x0 = 0xff - wiringPiI2CReadReg8(fd, 0x32);
    x1 = 0xff - wiringPiI2CReadReg8(fd, 0x33);
    y0 = 0xff - wiringPiI2CReadReg8(fd, 0x34);
    y1 = 0xff - wiringPiI2CReadReg8(fd, 0x35);
    z0 = 0xff - wiringPiI2CReadReg8(fd, 0x36);
    z1 = 0xff - wiringPiI2CReadReg8(fd, 0x37);

    printf("  x0 = %d   ",x0);printf("x1 = %d  \n",x1);
    printf("  y0 = %d   ",y0);printf("y1 = %d  \n",y1);
    printf("  z0 = %d   ",z0);printf("z1 = %d  \n",z1);

    acc_xyz.x = (int)(x1 << 8) + (int)x0;
    acc_xyz.y = (int)(y1 << 8) + (int)y0;
    acc_xyz.z = (int)(z1 << 8) + (int)z0;

    if(acc_xyz.x > 32767){
        acc_xyz.x -= 65536;
    if(acc_xyz.y > 32767){
        acc_xyz.y -= 65536;
    if(acc_xyz.z > 32767){
        acc_xyz.z -= 65536;

    return acc_xyz;

int main(void)
    int fd;
    struct acc_dat acc_xyz;

    fd = wiringPiI2CSetup(DevAddr);

    if(-1 == fd){
        perror("I2C device setup error");


        acc_xyz = adxl345_read_xyz(fd);
        printf("x: %d  y: %d  z: %d\n", acc_xyz.x, acc_xyz.y, acc_xyz.z);

    return 0;

For Python Users:

Step 2: Change directory.

cd /home/pi/Sunfounder_SuperKit_Python_code_for_RaspberryPi

Step 3: Run.

sudo python3 14_ADXL345.py

Now, rotate the acceleration sensor, and you should see the values printed on the screen change.


from I2C import I2C
from time import sleep
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from sys import version_info

if version_info.major == 3:
    raw_input = input

class ADXL345(I2C):

    ADXL345_ADDRESS          = 0x53

    ADXL345_REG_DEVID        = 0x00 # Device ID
    ADXL345_REG_DATAX0       = 0x32 # X-axis data 0 (6 bytes for X/Y/Z)
    ADXL345_REG_POWER_CTL    = 0x2D # Power-saving features control

    ADXL345_DATARATE_0_10_HZ = 0x00
    ADXL345_DATARATE_0_20_HZ = 0x01
    ADXL345_DATARATE_0_39_HZ = 0x02
    ADXL345_DATARATE_0_78_HZ = 0x03
    ADXL345_DATARATE_1_56_HZ = 0x04
    ADXL345_DATARATE_3_13_HZ = 0x05
    ADXL345_DATARATE_6_25HZ  = 0x06
    ADXL345_DATARATE_12_5_HZ = 0x07
    ADXL345_DATARATE_25_HZ   = 0x08
    ADXL345_DATARATE_50_HZ   = 0x09
    ADXL345_DATARATE_100_HZ  = 0x0A # (default)
    ADXL345_DATARATE_200_HZ  = 0x0B
    ADXL345_DATARATE_400_HZ  = 0x0C
    ADXL345_DATARATE_800_HZ  = 0x0D
    ADXL345_DATARATE_1600_HZ = 0x0E
    ADXL345_DATARATE_3200_HZ = 0x0F

    ADXL345_RANGE_2_G        = 0x00 # +/-  2g (default)
    ADXL345_RANGE_4_G        = 0x01 # +/-  4g
    ADXL345_RANGE_8_G        = 0x02 # +/-  8g
    ADXL345_RANGE_16_G       = 0x03 # +/- 16g

    def __init__(self, busnum=1, debug=False):
        self.accel = I2C(self.ADXL345_ADDRESS, busnum, debug)
        if self.accel.readU8(self.ADXL345_REG_DEVID) == 0xE5:
            # Enable the accelerometer
            self.accel.write8(self.ADXL345_REG_POWER_CTL, 0x08)

    def setRange(self, range):
        # Read the data format register to preserve bits.  Update the data
        # rate, make sure that the FULL-RES bit is enabled for range scaling
        format = ((self.accel.readU8(self.ADXL345_REG_DATA_FORMAT) & ~0x0F) |
          range | 0x08)
        # Write the register back to the IC
        seld.accel.write8(self.ADXL345_REG_DATA_FORMAT, format)

    def getRange(self):
        return self.accel.readU8(self.ADXL345_REG_DATA_FORMAT) & 0x03

    def setDataRate(self, dataRate):
        # Note: The LOW_POWER bits are currently ignored,
        # we always keep the device in 'normal' mode
        self.accel.write8(self.ADXL345_REG_BW_RATE, dataRate & 0x0F)

    def getDataRate(self):
        return self.accel.readU8(self.ADXL345_REG_BW_RATE) & 0x0F

    # Read the accelerometer
    def read(self):
        raw = self.accel.readList(self.ADXL345_REG_DATAX0, 6)
        print (raw)
        res = []
        for i in range(0, 6, 2):
            g = raw[i] | (raw[i+1] << 8)
            g = 65535 - g
            if g > 32767:
                g -= 65535
        return res

    # Simple example prints accelerometer data once per second:
    def main():
            accel = ADXL345()
            while True:
                    x, y, z = accel.read()
                    print('X: %.2f, Y: %.2f, Z: %.2f'%(x, y, z))
                    sleep(1) # Output is fun to watch if this is commented out

    def destroy():

def destroy():

if __name__ == '__main__':
    except KeyboardInterrupt: